Contact Us
School Office:
Please contact school reception if you have any queries as this allows us to direct your query to the right people.
Tel: 01454 862 300
Fax: 01454 862 301
Downend School
Westerleigh Road
South Gloucestershire
BS16 6XA
Head Teacher - Linda Ferris
Chair of the Community Council - Emma Jukes
SENCO - Sharon Davey
School Absence:
To report your child absence from school please can you email our dedicated absence email address;
When you email, please give the following information: your child's name and tutor group, a brief reason for absence and when you expect them to return to school. You must do this for each day your child is absent
If you do not have access to email, please call the absence line:
Tel: 01454 862395
You may ring this number at any time to leave a message regarding your child’s absence.
If your child has experienced vomiting or diarrhea, please ensure you keep them off of school for 48 hours after the last episode. If you have any concerns please contact the school as soon as possible.
Downend and Mangotsfield Sixth Form:
Tel: 01454 862333
Castle School Education Trust
Mangotsfield School
Rodway Hill
South Gloucestershire
BS16 9LH
Tel: 01454 862581
School Hire & Lettings
Many of our facilities can be hired for events and activities, including:
Sports Hall
Floodlit All Weather Pitch
For further details please click on the link below and how to book the facilities.
For all other enquiries regarding School Hire and Lettings please email